The North Face

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I am honored to announce I am officially a part of The North Face global athlete team. This is such a huge opportunity with unending possibilities. I feel so blessed and grateful to join such an outstanding company and a team of athletes that inspire me to live my dreams.

The North Face press release

I remember being this little kid, freezing my butt off in Wisconsin winters, chipping ice off my drive way so I could play basketball. I spent countless hours trying to chip the ice away so I could practice dribbling figure-eights between my legs and perfecting a layup. I would not go to bed until I made 10 free-throws in a row. I wanted to be a professional athlete. I remember late nights with callused, burning hands from the cold. I didn’t want to stop. I did not want to go to bed. I wanted to push myself and be the best I could at what I enjoyed.

Many years have passed since then. That little stubborn kid still exists and has found a new passion for running in the mountains that grows and grows each day. I love it. I feel so alive, content, wild, peaceful and free. Some may think you need to travel far to discover true happiness. I hope to keep exploring this beautiful world, but I believe true happiness is blissful contentment within each moment. I try to be happy all the time; I fail. I’m always called back to the realization that I don’t need to try so hard, I should just be. Whether that be sitting by myself, rocking my son to sleep, taking a walk, a run, even washing dishes or taking out the recycling. I need to remember true happiness is always within.

2012 was epic. 2013 has many things to look forward to as well. I hope to keep enjoying the highs with the lows, learning from my struggles and always moving forward, staying focused and giving my all in everything I do. I’m very blessed and not a moment goes by that I’m not grateful and thank God for all that I have. I hope my passion for running can spark something in others to discover their bliss, wherever they are and in whatever they do.

Spending countless moments outside connecting with nature, family and friends is good for the soul. As my career progresses forward, I look forward to many incredible times with my North Face family. There is something truly special when you travel by foot over many miles; you find out who you are and just how much strength you have to persevere. It’s just as tough mentally as it is physically and running for a day through the mountains humbles you and also magnifies the beauty and strength of our earth. I look forward to partaking in these journeys and experiences with fellow teammates that will push me to new highs and also form life long bonds in sharing these memories with friends.

Thank you The North Face for making this possible.



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44 Responses to The North Face

  1. Maxeen Olson says:

    I really miss having my driveway so clean in the winter, I am very happy for you and because you are happy I can be happy. Love you Son, Mom

  2. Thomas says:

    Hi Timothy,

    this is such great, congratulation, you deserve this sponsoring so much, I am so excitited to see, read and hear what great things you are doing, with such a great sponsor in your back, You have this incredible talent, comparable to Kilian, you two guys shows us there are no limits, the limits are only in our heat.

    Take care Thomas from germany

  3. lee cummings says:

    congratulations! I am super excited for you and the new opportunities.

  4. Adam Condit says:

    Great news Tim! I, too, grew up running the harsh winters of Wisconsin (HS and NCAA) and just this week ice-picked my whole driveway from it’s 1-2 inches of ice. Now rebuilding a base through winter (now in Iowa) for a R2R2R run and who knows what else in 2013. There’s something intangible running through the Midwest winters can put in you for the rest of your life (although it certainly isn’t monster hill training). It’s great to see you continue to find success especially with your growing family! God bless.

  5. Mark Olson says:

    Tim we are so proud of you as an Athlete, Husband, and Father. Have a great Run this weekend. Love you Lots. Dad

  6. Kelli says:

    Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing and reminding me that I have so much to be thankful for in my everyday life.

  7. Rob Sargeant says:

    Congratulations!!! I look forward to hearing your adventurous reports in 2013 as you travel with The North Face team. Sounds like a dream come true.

  8. Bob Loomis says:

    Timothy: What a great journey it has been – and what a great journey it will WILL BE! Blessings to you, Krista, Tristan, and your entire family and friends! AND, CONGRATULATIONS on your new journey with TNF!

    Love to you and our Family,


  9. Mary Ann Mangen says:

    Timothy…. so glad to see you being so successful with your life. Love your post. Been quite a while since we sat together in accounting classes at MSTC. Enjoy the adventure in 2013 and with North Face.

  10. Kim says:

    Congratulations! What an honor and achievement! Thank you for writing such a heartfelt and touching post. I am reminded of the beauty and quiet I find in running, my own push to succeed, and the joy I find in what is around me. It is nice when someone else puts it down in words to read as it seems to strengthen that which is within us but sometimes forgotten.

  11. This is so awesome for both you and your family Tim. I hope to get to run with you again, and now that you are part of TNF, u can come back to WI in the fall, take a crack at Ian’s 50 mile record in the TNFEC. 🙂

  12. Dave says:

    so pumped up for you Timmy! way to go!

  13. Lynette says:


  14. Brad D says:

    I thought something was going on with TNF and you. I have seen your pics on Twitter and have seen you and the little man wearing TNF clothing. I should be a super detective. I would be great at it 🙂
    Congratulations on an awesome sponsorship and best of luck this upcoming year!!!

  15. Awesome to see you here at The North Face Tim. I’m familiar too with the frostbite story. Just a joke for you as an ex-pat Minnesotan. Why is Minnesota so windy? Because North Dakota blows and Wisconsin sucks.:) Just kidding though, very happy for you Tim. Your a champion.

  16. Congratulations Timmy from all your friends at Injinji! We are excited to see what’s ahead for you this year and wish you the best in health. We’re thrilled to have you a part of our family as well.
    Deirdre (and the whole Team Injinji gang)

  17. Daniel says:

    Congrats Timothy, this is very exciting news. I’m hoping to run into (or with) you at some point in the future, maybe a 2013 race. Keep up the great work!

  18. Paul Rogers says:

    Hi Tim, Congratulations on the sponsorship, does this mean we might see you in the Blue Mountains of Australia in May for the TNF100?

  19. Jimmy Mac says:

    You are a rad human being- keep pushing yourself because it inspires the hell outta me!

  20. Olga King says:

    It’s an honor well deserved, and NF got themselves a great member to add to the family. Very happy for you and yours. Here is to awesome runs 2014 and beyond!

  21. Sloan says:

    I’m learning that Happiness is within, not where you are–why am I in Thailand again?
    Congrats Timothy. I look forward to seeing you see the world and run through it all! Missing Ashland’s beautiful trails–especially that single track you once told me was your favorite–Sometimes I pretend I’m there to get me through a pavement run!

  22. Debbie Loomis says:

    Congratulations we are so excited for the entire family. You have all worked hard to make this a reality. Look forward to LA in little over three weeks and the many fun adventures 2013 will bring. Good Luck this weekend!

    Love, Deb

  23. Nachotrota says:

    Wow i promise my new shoes…..the north face,….come to spain to run!!

  24. Pingback: Daily News Wed, Jan 9

  25. Jay says:

    Congrats Timothy. What a great brand to be working with, and what a great person for that brand to be working with. Best wishes for another great year in 2013! If you dont mind, which shoe are you wearing?

    • Thanks Jay,
      I’ve been trying out the new Hyper-track and am really excited for what we’re working on for the future. I’ll be helping them perfect a shoe that works for me running mountains and trails, so look out for good things to come.

  26. Ian Walker says:

    Hey dude,

    Congratulations on WSER100 below 15 hours!! unreal time. As a “newbie” in the sport of Ultra running, people like you are a true inspiration to me. I hope to maybe run WS100 one day (If I ever get to that level).

    Here’s to a record breaking 2013 for you! Good luck.

    Regards Ian

  27. Thomas says:

    Congratulation Timothy also to your second place for the UROY and performance of the year, Mike Mortons performance winning the World 24-Hour Championships was great, but for me your WS record is awesome.

    take care Thomas

  28. Ford says:

    You’re the man dude! Aways have been my inspiration despite us being on different sponsors! Rock it, Lion!

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